Your Quality of Life Matters
Let Us Be Your Transformation Partners
Exploring A Quality Of Life For Individuals, Groups,
Families, Businesses,
And Organizations
Learn more about what we do
Our Community Roundtable Discussions
In our Zoom sessions about impacting our quality of life in urban, suburban, and rural communities, you'll get to participate in a discussion that's facilitated to have your voice be heard.
We'll be discussing a model for "Building Transformative Partnerships" that focuses on impacting quality of life indicators for individuals, groups, families, businesses, and organizations in the communities that matter most to you.
Join us for our next amazing Community Roundtable Discussion:
"The Impact Of The Landmark Forum For People Of African Decent" being held on Zoom:
Tuesday Evening, June 1, 2021 7:00 - 8:00pm
Exploring A Quality of Life
freedom to live life with
purpose, grace, and ease...
Through An Introduction
In our Zoom sessions about The Landmark Forum, you'll get to explore what's working, what's not working as well as you would like it to, and what's not working in the quality of life you experience.
The Landmark Forum puts the past in the past, and gives you a clean slate from which to create a life of purpose, grace, and ease.
You'll discover a unique kind of freedom and power -- the freedom to live life with purpose, grace, and ease, no matter the circumstances. You'll experience the power to be in action in those areas of life important to you.
Join us at our next amazing
Zoom Session
about The Landmark Forum:
"Building Transformation Partners"
Using A Model
The Landmark Forum offers a practical methodology for producing breakthroughs—achievements that are extraordinary, outside of what’s predictable. The Landmark Forum is grounded in a model of transformative learning—a way of learning that gives people an awareness of the basic structures in which they know, think, and act. From that awareness comes a fundamental shift that leaves people more fully in accord with their own possibilities and those of others. Participants find themselves able to think and act beyond existing views and limits—in their personal and professional lives, relationships, and wider communities of interest.